Multimode bosonic systems

In physics, the art of simulating can be thought of as the capability of imitating - from Latin simulare - the behaviour of a given physical system by using an ad-hoc device.

It is remarkable how one can in principle tackle a physical problem by changing the language in which it is naturally expressed.

For instance, it is possible to rephrase the time evolution of a quantum field just in terms of optical elements! This is a major research aspect within our project.

Our aim is to better comprehend the structure of different quantum field theories by means of photonic platforms and to use the latter ones to explore fundamental aspects, such as the behaviour of the entanglement entropy. At the same time, we use Machine Learning techniques to develop device-independent methods that allow computing the fingerprint of a state, for instance its non-classicality, a feature lying at the heart of quantum information theory.

Martin Gärttner
Martin Gärttner
Group leader
Mauro D'Achille
Mauro D'Achille
PhD Student
Martina Jung
Martina Jung
PhD Student