Cluster Truncated Wigner Approximation for Bond-Disordered Heisenberg Spin Models


We present a comprehensive numerical investigation of the cluster Truncated Wigner Approximation (cTWA) applied to quench dynamics in bond-disordered Heisenberg spin chains with power-law interactions. We find that cTWA yields highly accurate results over a wide parameter range. However, its accuracy hinges on a suitable choice of clusters. By using a clustering strategy inspired by the strong disorder renormalisation group (SDRG)/real-space renormalization group (RSRG), clusters of two spins are sufficient to obtain essentially exact results in the regime of strong disorder. Surprisingly, even for rather weak disorder, e.g.{\textbackslash} in the presence of very long-range interactions, this choice of clustering outperforms a naive choice of clusters of consecutive spins. Additionally, we develop a discrete sampling scheme for the initial Wigner function, as an alternative to the originally introduced scheme based on Gaussian approximations. This sampling scheme puts cTWA on the same conceptional footing as regular dTWA for single spins and yields some reduction in the Monte Carlo shot noise compared to the Gaussian scheme.

Physical Review B 110, 054204
Adrian Braemer
Adrian Braemer
PhD Student
Martin Gärttner
Martin Gärttner
Group leader